About SSPP

Our Mission Statement:

We the Catholic faithful of St. Mary and Ss. Peter & Paul Parishes, in Winnebago and Blue Earth, Minnesota, made God’s children in baptism, strive by grace to be faithful in Word and Sacrament in building up our community of faith, stewarding our God-given time, talent and treasure for the greater glory of God, for the catechesis and faith formation of all our members, for the relief of the needy and for the evangelization of the inactive and unchurched.

Our churches:

Ss. Peter & Paul Catholic Church
214 S Holland St
Blue Earth, MN 56013
St. Mary’s Catholic Church
40 1st St NE
Winnebago, MN 56098

Our Staff:

Fr. Jeff Dobbs
(507) 235-5535

Angie Nagel
Faith Formation/Youth Ministry

Pat Boettcher